18 Apr On Timing and Opportunities
At 40 years of age, he realizes raw intelligence and hard work is not sufficient. Most education systems teaches execution and intellect as a primary factor to success, which could be a big fallacy. He ends off with his classic line that is widely known in china startup space ” 站在风口上,猪都能飞上天 ”
With impeccable timing , even the less than ideal candidates can achieve success.
There are of course the note worthy events that has been repeated throughout history that reinforces my belief on prioritizing timing when it comes to approaching an endeavor. Pets.com was an early example when e-commerce was attempted at a time when the internet was first introduced and still yet to solve the main problems as such communications ( email ) then file sharing. Most people barely knew how to go online, let alone make a purchase online with a dubious looking website. Thus, going with the trend and timing is very critical to one’s success, coupled with great execution.
I shall continue to expand on my observations regarding timing on this blogpost here. I’d love to hear from anyone who experienced that they did well because of great timing. I’d even more so love to hear from the folks who think that they did not have great timing on a particular instance yet performed exceptionally well. Cheers!
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